Oracle Cards vs. Tarot

Unlike tarot, which has a predictable and traditional structure, oracle decks are structured independently and each follows its own set of rules. Oracle cards often contain words and meanings directly on the cards that provide a clear and explicit message of guidance or insight.

Here are several myths about the differences between oracle cards and tarot cards.

MYTH: Unlike tarot, oracle cards don't contain scary images.

TRUTH: Oracle card images can be just as scary as tarot card images. The Devil card is considered a scary card in the tarot but it isn't scarier to me than the Giving Birth To A Skull card from the Arcane Bullshit Expanded Confusion deck.

MYTH: With oracle card readings, you can't get intense, thorough, and deep insights like you can with tarot.

TRUTH: You can get just as deep, intense and thorough readings from any set of cards. The depth comes from the reader, not the cards.

MYTH: Oracle cards are lighter, more uplifting, and positive than tarot.

TRUTH: As you can see from The Sun tarot card and the Pep Talk card, You deserve some cake, both oracle cards and tarot cards can be light, uplifting, and positive.

MYTH: Oracle cards cannot be interpreted symbolically like tarot cards.

TRUTH: Both oracle cards and tarot can be interpreted in many ways, including analytically, symbolically, and intuitively. When doing readings, both oracle cards and tarot cards should be interpreted based on a combination of the card meaning/message, visual image, and context of the question.

MYTH: Oracle cards give guidance while tarot gives predictions.

TRUTH: You can do predictions with any type of card just as you can get guidance from any type of card. Here's an example of doing a prediction with an oracle card and getting guidance from a tarot card. What can I expect in 30 days? GROWTH (The Minimalist Oracle by Rachel Lieberman). What do I need to do to achieve growth? KNIGHT OF SWORDS (Rider-Waite Tarot Deck) = Seize the day and pursue what I desire with zeal.

MYTH: Oracle cards are wisdom cards. Tarot is a set of divination cards.

TRUTH: Both oracle cards and tarot can be used for divination, wisdom, personal growth, inspiration, guidance, and coaching.

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